FRED’s been on issues since the beginning. The MSM just did not want to cover those particula issues!
FRED THOMPSON - PRO-LIFE ADVOCATE (true consistent Conservative Federalist and Pro-Life) - NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERT (Ill protect the American people and values, whatever it takes to stop the Islamicfacists, including water-boarding) - 2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE (arming the People and disarming criminals) - SECURE AND SEAL THE BORDERS (dont give them sanctuary anywhere, dont hire them, dont rent to them, dont give them credit, dont give them rights they dont deserve, report all crimes committed by them, its called attrition, and deport those who have already committed crimes against America) - LAW AND ORDER (enforcement first and foremost with the laws currently on the books) - SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM (reform a program that cant sustain itself and will bankrupt the next generation) - DEFEAT ANY DEMOCRAT AND RINO (any fool they put up) TAX SIMPLIFICATION (variety of choice for the tax payer) - WONT PUT UP WITH CRAP FROM THE MSM (including stupid questions by moderators and pundits) - WE THE PEOPLE CANDIDATE (We the People asked him to run and he stepped up) - PING!
I think it's very telling that the debate mod didn't want to discuss Iraq or illegal immigration.
Very telling...