Gillman, I am green with envy.
My town of 2500 did however, just get a super cool Dodge Police Cruiser and one of our officers has a Beretta 9MM automatic with 13-round capacity. I do think he would radiate more authority with one of those black kevlar holsters, though, dark goggles, and a flat-black kevlar helmet.
But with that 9mm, we are worried that he might not have sufficient stopping power to put down an angry moose. Now, if we had our very own SWAT tank and SWAT team, those lawless critters would think twice about charging cars and trucks out on the highway!
Our police budget is tapped, but the Public Library could be the first in the nation to have a SWAT ... waddaya think? Breaking down doors in the dark of night to reclaim overdue library books? Sure a couple of little old ladies might get capped, but we sure could put an end to that problem and increase respect for law and order around here.
Man, I’d never want to see the old ladies down at the library dressed up in ninja suits with submachine guns, chasing down scofflaws.
That’d be the end of the world as we know it.