Translation: "If you disagree with me, I will pronounce you mentally ill and incapable of making your own decisions, and the government should back me up in forcing you to accept my decisions. And if my decision is to wipe out your life's savings that you were planning on leaving to your grandchildren, and spend all the money keeping you alive when you don't want to be alive, the government will see to it that your money is confiscated and delivered to the institutions that employ me and my co-thinkers. All for your own good, of course."
Needless to say, this is the same sort of rationale that the Soviet government used, when it shipped people off to psychatric "hospitals" against their will. If they expressed disagreement with the Great Communist Cause, then obviously they were mentally ill and had to be locked up for their own good.
So, you disagree that suicidal thoughts stem from depression and you think that the government somehow invented this in order to control people?
Translation: “If you disagree with me, I will pronounce you mentally ill and incapable of making your own decisions, and the government should back me up in forcing you to accept my decisions.
From one Christian standpoint
I do not own my life
I have a better thing
Suicide from this standpoint is
denial of gift, turning away from stewardship
Or worse, fearing God’s purpose in our appointed task
In my very limited experience (24 years in Neurology)
Suicide is always preceded
by a profound deterioration in Self Love
No exceptions