Remembering that power to propose-EU laws is already exercised solely by the unelected European Commission, another innovation is that for the first time each country will no longer have the right to be represented by its own Commissioner.
Europeons are kidding themselves if they think that one day they will elect this "president, or this "Council". They will remain the apointee's of the elite who in keeping with their UN goal of global governance by the liberal/Marxist elite- Will have the sole power to appoint these puppets figures.
The UK has finally done it. Signing that Agreement was the kiss of death for what was known (it no longer is an "is") as the UK)
Come to think of it, the UK never really was the “citizens” country anyways, it was the Queens. They always were only subjects.
Maybe the queen will wake up and realize her kingdom has been stolen from under her, and ask her subjects to rally in defence of her kingdom... Fat chance. Charles will be happy just being a member of the permanent elite and a key to the UN’s wine cellar which of course will have all the finest wines confiscated from all those Europeon countries they just gained rule over.