The first time I read your little blurb on Thompson, I liked it. The second time, too.
The third time, I found it repetitive; the fourth time obnoxiously redundant.
Now that I look at your recent posts, I see that you have posted the same thing
no fewer than 55 times, often on threads having nothing to do Fred.
I believe this qualifies as SPAM.
If you don’t like my posts, then don’t read them! I have changed it numerous times to reflect more of his ideas. Primarily, it is the same as “Bumping” the article to the top. You know, I don’t understand this “spamming” thing I’m being accused of...but I will obviously try to avoid every post with “calcowgirl” tags. How’s that?
FRED THOMPSON (true consistent Conservative Federalist) - NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERT (I’ll do whatever it takes to stop the bastards, include water-boarding) - 2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE (arm all legal citizens and criminals will become more hesitant) - SECURE AND SEAL THE BORDERS (don’t give them sanctuary anywhere, don’t hire them, don’t rent to them, don’t give them credit, don’t give them rights they don’t deserve, report all crimes committed by them, they will go home or we will deport them) - LAW AND ORDER (enforcement first and foremost with the laws currently on the books) - SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM (reform a program that can’t sustain itself and will bankrupt this nation) - DEFEAT THE DEMOCRAT (any fool they put up) TAX SIMPLIFICATION (choice for the tax payer) - WON’T PUT UP WITH CRAP FROM THE MSM (including stupid questions by moderators) - PING!
Here...I changed it just a little for you and all the Romney mittwhits!
FRED THOMPSON - PRO-LIFE ADVOCATE (true consistent Conservative Federalist and Pro-Life) - NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERT (Ill protect the American people and values, whatever it takes to stop the Islamfacists, including water-boarding) - 2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE (arming the People and disarming criminals) - SECURE AND SEAL THE BORDERS (dont give them sanctuary anywhere, dont hire them, dont rent to them, dont give them credit, dont give them rights they dont deserve, report all crimes committed by them, it’s called attrition for you Romney mittwhits, and deport those who have already committed crimes against America) - LAW AND ORDER (enforcement first and foremost with the laws currently on the books) - SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM (reform a program that cant sustain itself and will bankrupt the next generation) - DEFEAT ANY DEMOCRAT AND RINO (any fool they put up) TAX SIMPLIFICATION (variety of choice for the tax payer) - WONT PUT UP WITH CRAP FROM THE MSM (including stupid questions by moderators and pundits) - “WE THE PEOPLE” CANDIDATE (We the People asked him to run and he stepped up) - PING!
Such autistic traits are usually expressed in attempt to compensate for an inadequacy.....
The world is so much more civil that way.
Tip: I read BBSx's first sentence, nod in agreement or frown in perplexity, read on, and the instant I recognize BBS's plug, my eye skips to the next post. Voila. I think of it as an extra-long tagline. I expect it from her and since I like Fred, I'm cool.
And if you don't like Fred, she could still be a lot worse. For example, she doesn't run a tagline with insipid piffle like "Improve the Shining Moment!" like one other poster did here for awhile (not you, CCW). So BBSx spams in her enthusiasm. Get over it.