"Sawwy. Wong pictsha. I couldn't find a good image that makes me look life size. I must be melting, which makes me think: If I whah a twee, I'd pwabably be a weeping willow.
"Uh.. this is my wast moment on NBC, I want to wemind you to wook fow me along with Hawwy Weasoneh weeknights at 7 o'cwock.
"I want to take this oppohtunity to apowogize to NBC. I don't wike weaving. Pwease twust me, it's not sowuh gwapes, but, rathaw, that anotheh network wecognizes in me a gweat tawent for dewivering welevant news stories with cwystah cwahity to miwwions of Americans. It's the onwy weason I'm weaving. Weahhy."
You forgot to mention that the US intelligence agencies, in all likelihood, have incriminating carnal A/V of Baba and Fidewl Castwo rodeo-do-do'ing on a cigar wrapper rug, under a glowering portrait of V.I.Lenin.
Kinky stuff, eh?