“I dont see a problem with 700 Billion”
In other words, defense is something you believe ANY amount is never too much. No one I know is against a budget capable of defending this nation from attack, but to say that amount needs to be tied to a percentage of GDP, and then to say I couldn’t possible understand that because I disagree with such a ridiculous statement, is absurd. Taking 5% of our GDP for defense is too much. The fraud, waste, and abuse of that money is seriously out of control. I am intimately involved with the military and see the waste every day. I find it astonishing that today we have people who believe such a large budget is not improper; so much for a fiscally conservative.
Let’s just say we disagree on the amount of money it takes to adequately defend this nation.
The same people who would push for defense spending to be tied to GDP would be the first one’s wailing about it during a recession or depression.
Fraud & Waste goes hand in hand with the government.
Saying we should spend less because of fraud & waste is absurd.
Tell me first how we can possibly stop humans ability to do bad things and I’ll tell you then we can start to spend less money.