Sorry for not clarifying that. If it's paid for by a U.S. Treasury check, it's a good bet that there's rampant fraud. Makes Enron look like a bunch of pikers.
Really, you ought to learn something about this before you spout off. Try reading an article by Jacques Gansler, one of the noted students of defense spending (and a critic, by the way) called “How the Pentagon Buys Fruitcake.” 90% of the “waste” is through government requirements for fairness and open competition-—when sole source can be much better (there are good studies, which I bet you could care less about, about the Sparrow vs. Sidewinder missile)-—than competitive bid. Just knowing the history of the Trident, when the government expected Electric Boat to “invest” $400 MILLION with no guarantee of anything past the first four boats (which would have been a massive loss) is ridiculous.