You don’t understand the basics of either.
Mormonism is based on freemasonry, but differs primarily in that they don’t accept the masonic premise that all paths to God are equal.
That’s not remotely a masonic belief.
And, NO, all paths to God are not the same. There is one God, God of Abraham that we as Freemasons tend to worship. You pretend to even remotely know what it is you talk of, but you are lost, and I imagine you are just making stuff up on the fly. I have yet in my 25 years met a Bhuddist Mason, and I have traveled this great country extensively with the Shrine. I have yet in my 25 years met a Scientologist Mason. I am not saying they don’t exist, but Masonry in itself is founded on one God. Thats the big G that sets in the square. There are no Hindu Indian Masons that I know of either who worship all their different Gods.
I have been a 32nd degree for over 17 years, and will in the next 2 years (time permitting) earn my 33rd.
There are more similarities in say Dump Trucks and Bicycles than would be found in Masonry and Mormonism, and even MORE dissimilar attributes.
Now, I cannot talk for one blue lodge that you may have met in Utah, but I can talk for the bulk of the east, west, north and Midwest when it comes to lodges, and I have visited probably over 120 in my lifetime here in the US, and over a half dozen over seas (a few in the England and Ireland, Germany, Austria, and even one in Hungary).
I want to point you to your original assertion, that Masonry and Mormonism are “almost exactly the same” and I want you to prove that point to me and others watching this post, otherwise, retire your argument.
I don’t want one or two similarities, I’d like you to show us all how they are “almost exactly the same”.
After all a bicycle and a dump truck both have wheels, so they too must be “exactly the same”.
I await for your diatribe. At 63 years old, you should be old enough to know better than to make such broad assumptions, as a conservative, you should be honest, and as a member of FR, you should know that everything you toss out there will be challenged.
This is not DU where one makes blanket statements and gets a free pass. Show me the money.