We disagree about that. If you believe God the Father created all, then you believe He created the spirits of both Jesus Christ the Savior and Satan. If you do not believe that, then you have some alternate belief.
If, as it says quite often in the Holy Bible, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as I do, then why do you have your bowels in an uproar?
Sorry, but my bowels aren’t really in an uproar. But I don’t think it is wrong for me to express where we differ. God the Father and Jesus Christ (along with the Holy Spirit) are one and the same being. And Jesus did say, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” John 14:4-11
Please don’t ask me to explicate the details of the Trinity. I can’t, but it is only within a Trinitarian perspective that i can make sense of all this. FAther Son and Holy Spirit existing as one and three in eternity—previous to creation. Loving and giving love. Infinite, pure and eternal. That they/he chose to share that love with us through creation and especially through the sacrifice on the cross is a concept I am not even worthy to think about—except by His grace toward me.