It sure seems there is no room for discussion. What I'm seeing is the typical dodge of "there's no room to discuss this, or I will be offended".
Ann Coulter has shown how the Democrats use “human shields” to protect them from questioning about socialist directions they want to go. They tried to use a supposedly “poor” family recently as their human shield in the SCHIP debate.
Romney is attempting to use a “religious tolerance shield” to deflect legitimate questions Americans might have about how his faith might affect his judgment.
We’re being told that ALL QUESTION are automatic proof of BIGOTRY.
That’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous for the Democrats. It’s ridiculous for Romney.
If he’s going to be the standard bearer for the Republican Party, it’s better he figure out how to answer these now, because he must know that Hillary/Obama/media will viciously insinuate terrible things about him via their soft money hit squads.
Of course, if he doesn’t want to win, then fine...go right ahead not confronting things head on.