I heard Rush Limbaugh’s guest host today lump Charlie Crist with NONconservative Republicans, like Gov. Arnold, et al.
Rush is in a battle royale with Huckabee today too. Huckabee cannot control his campaign operatives, similar to Hilary’s shortcomings. The Limbaugh-Huckabee is just heating up. Go, Rush. Huckabee always seems to be hiding something. It’s just an impression he gives off.
Crist is another Ahnold without the big biceps. The dems like Crist though, they go for bachelor, playboy types who kick Jeb’s staffers around or out of a job. He and Jebbie do not see eye to eye. Neither does Spkr Rubio and Crist. In a new race, Rubio would beat Crist. Rubio would get the Hispanic vote cuz he’s a Cuban conservative. (kind of a new designation: Cuban conservative.) You heard it here first by FV before the pundits with radio and tv deals use it. Thank me. lol