We have immigration policy to make sure that we bring in people that can contribute positively to our society and not at the expense of the American people already here. That’s why we make them learn English, pass the tests, etc., so they learn how to fit in with the rest of us.
These border-hopper illegal aliens, all they do is hop a border and squat. They don’t learn anything. They don’t contribute jack squat to America and all most of them do is draw off the welfare rolls.
If there are jobs that need to be filled that can be filled by foreign labor and Americans literally “won’t do” or we don’t have enough to do, then we can probably work something out, but 1) let’s make sure that there aren’t any Americans able and willing to do it and 2) we shouldn’t grant those who already hopped the border illegitimately a free shot.
jmyrle has graciously planned to post the thread for Lt. Col. Russell’s appearance tonight.
Thank you jmyrle.
‘precciate it!
This was the point I was trying to make.
We already have guest worker programs that allow several million to be in this country legally. We need to change our legal immigration policies to a merit based system. We should be able to pick and choose who we want and not have immigration driven by family reunification and chain migration.