Two trains of thought from the late great Eric Hoffer seem appropriate: 1. A stable society, like a stable individual, is the product of an equilibrium in which a tendency to crime and violence is held firmly in check by a more dominant force. Weaken or remove that force and evil will reign. 2. No excuses, and no elaborate sociological rationalizations can be tolerated that will provide a different standard of behavior for blacks or any other minority than for whites. And from the Father of Philosophical Conservatism, Edmund Burke: “Society cannot exist unless a controlling power of will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.” It is obvious that in many instances basic police powers are not being used to protect our fellow citizens. These punks should remember that the law of self-preservation is the primary law of human existence. The common everyday citizen better arm himself. Our society is becoming impotent in dealing with crime and cultural rot. Most corporations don’t care. They pander to these vermin. They’ll sell these impressionable punks any “art”, the more offensive and demeaning to women the better.