~”If Huckabee wins Iowa, Mitt is finished but at the same time Hilary is GUARANTEED to win the election since the vast majority of Americans will shudder in fear at the thought of a Southern Baptist MINISTER as POTUS.”~
I agree with the assertion, though not the premise. I don’t think any many people would be worried about a Baptist president - once we get past the primaries, religion will mostly fade as an issue, regardless of the nominee. Problem is, Huckabee’s not that great a politician. Like Thompson, his meteoric rise is due to buzz and frustration amongst conservatives - his rise just happens to be timed much better.
But Huckabee is not a great conservative, great orator, or great leader. He’s good at one-liners and zings, and he’s good on life issues. That’s about it.
And that’s why he would lose against Hillary Clinton.
Think about it: if the issue of the strangeness in Mormonism were not a significant issue, why would Romney make a speech about religion trying to prevent open opposition on the grounds of his religion? If the issues are significant enough the DNC will exploit them far more than you've seen so far. IF, on the other hand, the issues of the strangeness in Mormonism are not significant, why the speech to focus upon trying to shame people into not factoring in Romney's religion. Think about it, Mormon.