The Gateway Pundit reports that the Dictator Chavez claims to have won.
Aljazeera reports:
Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, is heading for victory in a referendum on allowing him to remain in power as long as he keeps winning elections, two government-linked sources said citing exit polls.
Reuters reports that Government Sources have confirmed that Chavez has won.
Sky News and China News are reporting the win for Chavez.
Ahmadinejad ought to be calling soon for congrats.
Daniel in Venzuela says it is not yet over- the mess is growing.
Miguel is reporting that the Chavistas have withdrawn their congratulatory ad for the papers tomorrow.
The US needs to relieve him of duty, clean out his Arab terrorists and Russian “advisors”, cancel the Kalishnikov factories and advanced fighter purchases, and help Columbia wipe out the “insurgents” currently being supported and trained by Chavez.
Oh, and blow his head off on TV. I wanna see that.