Why not? I have never understood the virtue of just writing off a growing segment of the electorate. We don't have to collude with illegals to make headway at least, with the hispanic voter. Sure we will never convert the la Raza crowd but that's no reason not to carry a message of respect for family, life, and law into the Spanish-speaking community. Guaranteed, the 'rats will be there, selling their snake oil, and they don't even like Hispanics.
The greatest problems I see are that Hispanics are aggressive in changing the culture in their own image. The Hispanization of the Catholic Church is an example of this. Forcing others to speak Spanish instead of learning or instilling English within their community is another reflection of their ability to "acculturate" us rather than "assimilate" them. It will be interesting to see if they demand better treatment from the Dems than they gave the African-Americans. If they proceed to change the Dem party like they are trying to change the rest of society, it may turn away non-Hispanics, particularly those who compete with Hispanics for jobs.