How many people are more like me? Disgusted with their passive acceptance of sexually abuse. They are not saving babies, they are proving how dedicated they are to a cause. It’s repulsive.
One cannot win a war by tactical means. Strategy must be in play. Whether you like it or not, the pro-aborts win if the protestors react tactically.
Pray tell what their cause is, if not to save babies?
“How many people are more like me? Disgusted with their passive acceptance of sexual abuse.”
Count me in. Both the action and the passive allowance of it are perverse.
The problem is, any retaliation by the pro-lifers would result in massive media coverage accusing them of assaulting “escorts” who were “protecting women”. Abortion is one of the issues where the media are almost totally monolithic. Any video of the incident would be edited to make it look like the pro-lifers were the assailants, and before you know it a bill would be passed banning pro-life activities within a mile of an abortion mill. The pro-aborts were trying to push the pro-lifers into fighting back for that very purpose.