Note the steel pot, and fatigues.
Think it’s a movie still photo, not RVN.
Camo cover on helmet is FUBAR. Green side out on one side, brown side out on the other!
He has chin strap around his chin! No grunt would do that, even for a posed picture. And that model chin strap looks like either ABN or post-RVN issue.
He has the right suspenders, but what’s that camo flack jacket on his back? Don’t remember camo flack jackets. Were all OD, yes?
Doesn’t have enough “shit” hanging off suspenders and chest.
Too good a shave.
Rifle has a yellow dymo label on upper part of stock. Never saw rifle in RVN with that.
Mag looks like civilian issue 30 rd mag.
Pine tree?
What’s that thing on the underside of the carry handle?
His hands, arms and particularly fingernails are way too clean to be a grunt.
When was that camo screen issued?
Of course, you guys who had three hots and a cot every night might not be aware that........... :~)
That’s a pretty serious looking dude!