The blatancy of the MSM's liberal bias is also powering the rise of the alternative media. The funny thing is, they know these things, but they can't help themselves. Expressing their contempt for American conservative principles is thereputic and cathartic for them. I think that some of them know it's not going well, but they're powerless to stop.
Imagine how it would be if the media just reported news about candidates and party positions fairly. There'd be veto-proof Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, a Republican Presidency, and the USSC would likely be stacked 8-1 in favor of conservatives (simply because with better, more accurate reporting, we wouldn't have "Borkings," or put Clarence Thomas through the kind of ordeal he went through.)
Kind of like Michael Jackson-—he knows he’s screwing his face up more and more, but he just can’t stop getting plastic surgery! I sure hope you’re right!
Tom, get off the meds. Media propaganda (how can you call it merely a “bias” when they eat, breath and live it everyday?) is a corrosive, pervasive betrayal of journalistic principles working at the conscious and sub conscious level. It permeates everything they do and is the number one enemy of conservative ideals.
“By insulating them from tough questions while giving Republicans an anal exam, the MSM ensures that the Democrats will continue to drift toward the fringe, with comical leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It also forces the GOP to hone it’s message, and forces it’s candidates to be truthful and able to handle difficult, hostile questions under pressure.”
I agree completely with this and have thought so for many years. It helps Republicans to make sense. It helps Democrats to become raving loons. Lately I have had fun “proving” to my liberal encounters that Republicans tell the truth.
That the Republican message is honest and true can be proved by the fact that still nearly 50% of the nation votes for them. The Democrat message is propped up by the relentless drumbeat of propaganda that seeps into print, cable news, network news, Hollywood movies, TV sitcoms, children’s cartoons, public school classrooms, etc etc etc. The sheer repetition keeps their idiodic notions on life support.
Republicans on the other hand have only the merits of their arguments to sustain them. If the ideas are bad, they go away. If they are true and good, they survive.
So, thank you liberal media!!