We do not want their sexuality thrown in our faces. We do not want our children to be exposed. We will defend their rights to life and liberty and even grant them as much privacy as we can afford to give them, but we want them to go back in the closet.
Can you imagine what they must be thinking overseas......How humiliating and equally disgraceful...We are in deep you know what...
Right as rain.
And they try to make us feel guilty every damn minute even while they want to lead boy scout troops and get married as if mating with the same sex was perfectly normal.
So we don’t talk much and we pretend it’s all just fine...until we get a chance to vote and choose our debates. That mess with that army guy....sheesh....
A Cooper Anderson would think it super sophisticated and oh so meterosexual. Us Rubes out here in la..la land, carrying the country on our backs while raising the citizens and soldiers of tomorrow...we don’t buy it.
They really hate that.