We are still waiting for the cheap gas.....what a moron.
This is really too coincidental. I was telling a neighbor (over a dead TV out on the curb for the garbage men to haul off) that I thought Jean Chretien was a moron!!
Who knew he’d come out publicly and demonstrate it on TV!!??
If it was all about Oil the easy cheapest and best way(price) to get that oil was to accommodate and deal with Saddam and look the other way and or bury you head in the sand ....
The war was not about oil .. the the so called "anti-war" was
Iraq for oil!
Next, we want Iranian oil!
After that we want Venezuela oil!
Poor ole Chretien, he is not only ugly as sin he is also dumb as a box of rocks.
Liberals who hate the US (and the West) more than they hate the terrorists all pitch the same BS—we invaded for oil. Well...where IS the oil? If we were there for oil, why have we removed a dictator from power, kicked al-Q’s a$$, and taken NO oil whatsoever from Iraq and not had a signifcant drop in gas prices? Answer: Because we’re not their for oil, you morons!
...oh yeah, if Iraq and the Middle East didn’t happen to be right above enormous oil reserves, these people wouldn’t have any excuse like this to make. Their treason would be exposed even quicker.
I swear, the “we invaded Iraq for oil” bullcrap is one of my biggest pet peeves.
So tell me...is Chretien French for cretin?
There, fixed it. If it was all about oil, how come we're not getting any significant amount from Iraq?
Nous sommes des communistes, des socialistes, de Pierre Trudeau. J' aime Chavez , vive le Arjentina Libre! Vive le Quebec libre, Vive le Canada Libre!
I wish this idiot would just stuff a sock in his mouth and go the way of the moon bats into the Great White North nude , there to be slowly killed by blackflies and mosquitos.
I LOATH French Canadian Liberal Commies like Chretien. They make my skin crawl. They almost destroyed Canada.