She doesn't need to procreate, she can pass on her beliefs, via the National Education your children.
And the NEA is sure doing that. Amazes me sometimes. But, the bottom line is they won’t win. That’s why they want to start on the younger kids, the agenda doesn’t work on the older ones. And, it won’t work on the younger ones either.
I read this article last night when my computer was finally fixed - amazing how babies/children/procreating is considered so awful. I recalled the time I was pregnant with my 4th kid, dropping off my two preschoolers to preschool, infant in a car seat, and meeting a mom of one of the kids’ classmates. She had a sticker on her car, something about population control, which blew me away. We started talking cos my oldest was invited to her kid’s birthday party. She actually said to me, with venom, “how many do you plan on having?” I felt horrible afterward since I replied something like well if you didn’t have your one kid I could have another, you know to keep with the population control you seem to cherish.
I’m glad these people aren’t procreating much. I get that some shouldn’t be parents, or don’t want to be parents. Nothing wrong with that imo. But they have such disdain for people who love kids, want to have big families. It’s mind boggling. I could only have 4 kids and if I could’ve, I would have had more.