I have asked you this a couple of times and you won’t answer, so I go again.
What is more likely, that 86% of Free Republic are idiots because we don’t see Mitt Romney as a conservative or that you are wrong/biased/whatever?
I have asked you this a couple of times and you wont answer, so I go again.
What is more likely, that 86% of Free Republic are idiots because we dont see Mitt Romney as a conservative or that you are wrong/biased/whatever?
No reply again...
Odd that...
Good night all, I'll check back in the Morning.
What is more likely, that 86% of Free Republic are idiots because we dont see Mitt Romney as a conservative or that you are wrong/biased/whatever?
The members of FR may well be a good indicator, but self-selecting internet polls are not, even if they are on FR. Any random 'net poll that has been spammed by Paul supporters shows why.
Members choose to participate or not on a variety of reasons. By the way the polls here on FR have been worded lately, they are little different from "push polls" and are not really indicative of FR as a whole. They are indicative of who the management supports, and members hold contrary views at their own peril. The frequent call to ban anyone who doesn't support Fred on this very thread show why.
Actually Spiff, I think the members of Free Republic are pretty good barometers of what a real conservative looks like.
***Good to know that. Right now we see FR pretty evenly split over Fred & Hunter.
So, when I point out that Hunter had the lead at FR before Fred showed up and that it is evidence that Hunter would have gotten momentum in the conservative corner such as what I posted on the “smart money” thread, do you accept it?
With Hunter starting to emerge from Fred’s shadow over at Intrade and the fact that Fred never locked down conservative support (as shown by FR poll evidence), the signs are starting to be more readable.
Why the smart money is on Duncan Hunter
Posted on 11/15/2007 3:43:17 AM PST by Kevmo