I would respectfully disagree, I believe that many Americans would like to be entrepeneurial manufacturers but are instead squeezed into the roles of merchant/brokers by federal globalist policies which allow mega businesses to dominate the markets, through outsourcing to the global slave trade that operates in totalitarian nations
OK, I can give you that. But not every American has the ambition, intelligence and willpower to be entrepreneurs. It’s like the bell curve. Remember your high school and college classmates? Some people are completely content in doing menial tasks for the rest of their lives. That’s never going to change so long as we have our current public education system.
I guess what I’m saying is that the people who would’ve been a factory button pusher are now Excel spreadsheet pushers. Given the choice, these people probably prefer working with Excel than in a factory. And that’s the point.
What you say is great, but we aren’t going to see a significant increase in entrepreneur manufacturers without some fundamental changes in our education system and less regulation for small businesses.