Sorry, the show is not on until 7pm EST
Anyway, Fred gave a live speech around noon to selected employees of JPMorgan Chase. Hillary! had blown in here about a month ago, to adoring fans. The audience response for Thompson, the second candidate we've had, seemed subdued, at least the people in the room looked it. There might have been lots of people on the web connection I was viewing (the host indicated a few thousand) because the connection kept breaking up, so I lost what Fred said in a few segments (there was no replay option).
Fred was relaxed and conversational. He gave an extremely well developed monologue about how his strategy on the War on Terror (though I don't think he used the WoT term), individual liberty, economic growth, social security, entitlements and the future fit together. I was stunned. I remember thinking how elementally conservative it sounded, fitting with my own beliefs extremely well if not necessarily with all specifics (mainly, because I don't have specifics on many issues that a candidate needs to have them for). I remember thinking how I could not imagine GW Bush giving this type of a speech. Bush might give a stump speech about "Why I think free markets are super cool and why your taxes should be lowered". This was not a stump speech. This was like a 15 minute essay response to "What I think are important issues for America's next president and how I intend to address them".
My reaction is, if we can just get Fred in the White House, America will be A-OK. I imagine Fred will be receiving some contributions from JPM employees in the near future.