“Blitzer has a husband?????”
That threw me for a loop, too. In looking at the opening pages and going to the link in the original Media Matters email alert, I discovered it was a reference to Campbell Brown.
Media Matters email alert.
Link to Campbell Brown wedding
Link to article about Campbell’s husband being a Romney advisor
they are erecting straw-men and pretending the media is not liberal.
As for Ms. Campbell Brown, MM is well aware that here liberal bonafides are well intact; she threw a party for Joe and valerie wilson Plame at her Manhattan apartment.
They are truly caricatures of themselves. They are pretending to be outraged the Campbell Brown is marries to Dan Senor and want her to disclose that.
I bet they never demanded that George Stephanopoulus disclose that he worked for Clinton, or that Tim Russert worked for Cuomo, or that Jeff Greenfield was a Dem operative, or that Christine amanpour is married to Clinton lackey Jamie Rubin, and so on and so on and so on...