What about John Kerry, Ted Kennedey etc?
There is no way that Kennedy could EVER win a national election and the ‘Rats know it. The majority of Catholics voted for Bush in 2004, not Kerry.
I was thoroughly disgusted with the DC Catholic newspaper in 2004. In side-by-side articles they glossed over both Kerrey's pro-abortion stance and Bush's solid pro-life actions.
Did Jimmy Carter whip Ted Kennedy's rump in the Democratic primaries of 1980 or NOT?
If Catholic primary voters perfered Jimmy Carter to Ted Kennedy in 1980 when unemployment, interest rates, and inflation were all in the 15 to 20 percent range, then Ted could not get elected anywhere except Mass.
The left was sure that Jimmy could not get re-elected and they begged Teddy to take him out in the primary elections. Jimmy Whipped Teddy's A$$. He said he would and he did.
Then the media figured that Jimmy could defeat Reagan. And Reagan won in a landslide.. How badly would Reagan have beaten Teddy? The only answer is a lot worse than he beat Jimmy.
What about John Kerry, Ted Kennedey etc?
Catholic ‘Rats will continue to vote for them in Massachusetts, there is no hope for this having a positive effect in NY/MASS/NJ/PA..