This election cycle has really brought out the worst in people I used to respect, and they seem to be falling like flies....its absolutely unbelievable. And why? What is it about Fred that drives otherwise normal people into fits of anti-Fred psychosis.
Weyerich should apologize to Fred immediately, that is the only way he can gain back any credibility.
Supporting a Massachusetts candidate makes no sense -- Romney will fall flat on his face in the South.
I think we have a much smarter electorate least on the Republican side. I am still stunned that any pro-life advocate would endorse Rudy or Mitt. They have sold their credibility to the highest bidder.
And the winner is Fred Dalton Thompson, the next President of the United States.
Weyrich should apologize to all grassroots pro-life folks. He is a disgrace. So is Robertson.
Weyrich should apologize to Right-to-Life folks first. He’s an elitist knucklehead that I find impossible to read anymore.
Fred Derangement Syndrome?
I think it is this: By hovering so long above this race, untainted and untested, he was successful in attracting to himself a huge number of people who didn't really know him, and who were dissatisfied with all the other candidates. He created something of a bubble of inflated expectations, a mania; he sucked all the oxygen out of the campaign.
It is hard to argue with the success of Fred in becoming the candidate passionately favored by so many conservatives before even stepping into the ring. But the huge expectations had a price: If Fred turned out not to be what people hoped for, he was bound to reap a great deal of bitter disappointment. And so it has come to pass.
Fred's campaign -- when it finally started -- started with a fizzle rather than a bang. And it still has not found its legs. People are disappointed. And Fred's true-believes ratcheted up the shrillness of their cheering in an effort to deny the faltering performance of the campaign.
When a man in whom so much hope and faith is invested, finally steps into the spotlight and seems flat, passionless, and unprepared, he disappoints people. And we, the disappointed, have been more and more willing to get into the faces of the screaming, adoring Fredheads.
Fred is not a bad guy. He could yet win the nomination (although not the election). But he sure is not the great, conservative warrior of people's hopeful immaginations. The disappointment is great, sometimes bitter, and may even look to some like "anti-Fred psychosis." I'd argue that the true-believers are the one's who are out of touch with reality, to put it more gently than "psychosis."