And yet they have killed far more Americans than Muslims have.
Most of these illegals were raised Catholic. So, using the logic displayed on this thread, I conclude that Catholicism is a dangerous influence and we should ban allowing Catholics to immigrate. And deport the one's we have.
< note: Yes, this post sounds stupid, but it ain't no worse than anything else on this f&%$#@d up thread. >
Let me count the ways you are wrong:
1) There is nothing in the New Testament which says, “convert or kill”
2) There is plenty in the Koran that says, “convert or kill”
Islam, like Christianity is an evangelistic faith. EXCEPT, they have been charged to wage violent jihad against infidels (includes murder). Christians are charged in the New Testament to preach the gospel, and to love their enemies.
On judgment day:
1) If you ever told a lie, that makes you a liar.
2) If you ever stole ANYTHING, that makes you a thief.
3) If you ever lusted after someone other than your spouse, you are an adulterer.
4) If you ever took the Lord’s name in vain, you are a blasphemer
5) If you don’t love God so much, that your love for Father, Mother, Spouse, Children seems like hate in comparison, then you have broken the Great Commandment.
You need God’s forgiveness, if you will make it into heaven. That forgiveness comes if you believe in the Son of God (Jesus Christ), and repent of your sins.
Once you believe in Jesus Christ, the Bible says you are “dead to sin” and sin has “no power” over you. You can walk away from the most powerful addictions physical, sexual, and psychological, and thus, “walk in newness of life”.