“those myopic small government conservatives angry with Bush for his Democrat-like spending habits.”
That describes about 75% of the rank and file of the Republican Party. I guess we are “myopic”, because we don’t like big government, the falling dollar, and possible national bankruptcy.
This is one of the silliest articles I have read this year.
How do the author and his acolytes intend to “put an end” the Ron Paul campaign? Do they intend, Al-Gore-style, to repeatedly defame all of Paul’s supporters? So far it hasn’t worked very well. Hopefully the Paul campaign will end in the only reasonable way; by the voters listening carefully to all of the arguments, and then choosing the best alternative for the country. I am confident that the best alternative for the country will be the Republican nominee for President, whoever that turns out to be. It very likely won’t be Ron Paul, but if it is, he will have my support against the Clinton/Obama ticket.
Have you ever tried reading in complete thought’s?
The column doesn’t say this - those myopic small government conservatives angry with Bush for his Democrat-like spending habits.
It says this - “The only Republicans we find in his campaign are those myopic small government conservatives angry with Bush for his Democrat-like spending habits. Those so angry with Bush, that they are willing to overlook all of this just to vote for a candidate who promises less spending.”
The half of the statement you want to talk about would include more than 75% of Republican voters. But the people the writer is talking about in the complete statement, those willing to ignore everything else just to vote for a small government promise, accounts for only about 2.7% of Republican voters, according to national Republican polls of course.