There is no better way to advance the gay rights or pro-abortion agendas than to endorse Rudy. No one could do that unless they felt some sympathy for those agendas.
Like I said, Robertson could be in the closet and that would explain everything. He's always seemed a bit light in the loafers to me.
Yeah, I know, "How could Pat Robertson be a closet homosexual?" I'm sure you've asked the same question about a lot of these closet queens lately.
He is pro keeping terrorists out of our country and he thinks Rudys the best man for the job. Period.
Well, THAT much we KNOW is bogus. Nobody in their right mind would believe that Rudy's "weak borders" strategy and draft dodging background qualifies him to even offer an opinion on national security.
Rudy is a cross-dressing poof!
Rudy’s not my number one choice and I don’t fully understand Pat’s endorsement reasons, but I do not believe Pat is pro gay rights or pro abortion. I do believe he’s more moderate than conservative though.