When I first read this piece on Fallaci, I thought it might be a reflection and rememberance of Fallaci and her work. Instead, it is a testament to the intense arrogance and narcissistic navel gazing of the writer of the piece. I wanted to post it to show the complete idiocy and unconscious arrogance of this MSM writer. To me, it really mirrors and encapsulates everything that's completely wrong with MSM "reporters" and "writers".
DiGiovanni is inspired and attracted to reporting by Fallaci's work, and obviously admires Fallaci, but the writer makes the monumental mistake of continually comparing herself to Fallaci and making the entire piece a narcissistic rant all about herself. It turns into a juvenile game of one upsmanship, with the writer coming out ahead of Fallaci, of course, because in DiGiovanni's mind, she's made superior choices, both in her obviously biased, leftist world views and in her personal life. It's amazing to me that people in the MSM, like DiGiovanni, who are so utterly clueless manage to continually get published.
I couln’t read the page you linked -— the type was too small ——but it looks like I didn’t miss much...
No doubt she is a great fan of Christiane Amenpour.
The angst! The A-a-a-a-ngst!!!
There have long been plenty of displaced East Coast and suburban Chicago students in the Iowa Writers Workshop... many of them likely to be - or have been - unhappy in the cornfields. The good news is that since there isn't much corn grown on the U of I campus or downtown Iowa City, they don't need to worry overmuch. Granted, they might become downright depressed near Springdale... maybe even suicidal when traveling between Solon and Mount Vernon... but kept within the confines of Gommorah on the Iowa, I always found them to be content, if not necessarily happy.
Intense arrogance and narcissistic navelgazing has become, de facto, James Hearst's lasting legacy.
Mr. niteowl77