When the global company launched the ecomagination campaign, guess where it held the launch party? Its D.C. lobbying office, of course.
While sipping wine made at a solar-powered winery, GE chief Jeffrey Immelt proclaimed, “Industry cannot solve the problems of the world alone. We need to work in concert with government.”
Translation: The King Kong of the corporate world needs tax breaks, subsidies and favorable regulations to make green technology profitable. Indeed, GE has nearly cornered the market on the solar panels necessary to implement Kyoto-style reforms. Global-warming hysteria is good for its bottom line.
Liberals and environmentalists love to whine about special breaks for corporations, and they work themselves into paroxysms of paranoia about how big corporations propagandize against action on climate change. The reality is exactly the opposite: GE, DuPont, British Petroleum and countless other big corporations routinely propagandize in the other direction, largely to win governmental support they don’t need.
No they haven't. "BP has been involved in solar power since 1973 and its subsidiary, BP Solar, is now one of the world's largest solar power companies..." from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photovoltaic cheers