Local News stations have just reported it.
One hope that I have is that they discover that the murder took place in Newton or Barry county, rather than here in McDonald County. If they are unable to determine where the murder took place, then the venue will be in the county where the body was found, which is McDonald County.
Our county prosecutor is unbelievably incompetant. She is a dyke who got elected by running on a BS campaign issue.. claiming that the county was wasting money paying for a special prosecutor to prosecute the Levi King murder case. The reality is that it costs the county nothing for a special prosecutor, because the state reimburses the county. The good ole boys at our courthouse made an issue of how the former prosecutors office was overbudget.. but the reason he was over-budget was that when the state reimbursed the money, rather than putting it back into the prosecutors budget, the County Commision put it in the general fund. Our current prosecutor has NEVER argued a case before a jury in her life. She is currently trying to get the Special Prosecutor (who has put 13 men on death row) kicked off the Levi King case since her issue about it being a waste of money was her only issue for election. She has used the arguement that Mr Finnical is a special ASSISTANT prosecutor, and that gives her the right to fire him. However, the courts appointed Mr. Finnical as Special Prosecutor, not a special asst prosecutor, thus she has no such authority. She has filed this petition twice and been turned down by the courts both times.. and she is trying again.
Another motivation she has for doing this is she is good buddies with a former judge who is now working in her office. This former judge was, for about 16 years, our public defender, who got his ass kicked by Mr Finnical everytime they met in a courtroom.
Anyway, to give an example of her stupidity, she is supposed to be representing the county in civil matters as well. Since the state only pays for Special Prosecutors, and not Special Assistant Prosecutors, if her filing to get Mr Finnical reclassified as a special ASSISTANT is upheld, it will mean the county will have to reimburse the state the $30,000+ that the state gave the county for a special prosecutor. Further, she began this BS after Mr Finnical spent a year preparing and was ready to go to trial. As a result, the Levi King case has been held up for more than another year. And she claims that our FORMER prosecutor was wasting money?
She is unbelievably stupid.
Anyway, Id hate to see this stupid woman get this case.
Unbelievable. Yeah, I’m with you. I hope McDonald Co doesn’t get the case.
KSGF in Springfield still doesn’t have the arrest story as of a few minutes ago. They were simply reporting she had been found.
Another case she has dealt with that you may have heard about was a church “commune” sort of group on the east side of the county. The “minister” and others were charged with rape and child molestation. She just dropped all the charges this week on that case.