I agree with you about ONE thing: I also hear this announcement in the context of Fred.
And what I hear as that Fred is not attracting the support leaders who have long histories with the Christian right. Over just the last week, Paul Weyrich and Bob Jones III break for Mitt, Pat Robertson for Rudy.
Did these guys suddenly swing moderate or, in Robertson's case, decide to embrace gays and the rest of Rudy's social liberalism?
Of course, not. I don't love all these guys but they are savy, political operators who have been pushing social conservatism for a long time. They are breaking against Fred, because Fred has fizzled. They are afraid...VERY afraid. But not of Fred. They are afraid of Hillary and are trying to find a candidate who can keep her pals from play trampoline again in the Lincoln bedroom. They see clearly that Fred is not that candidate.
If any candidate wants to separate themselves from Rudy and the fear Hillary crowd, this is the way to do it.