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2nd soldier in shooting identified (Hip-HopClub Tucson)
Sierra Vista Herald/Review ^ | Bill Hess

Posted on 11/05/2007 3:49:12 PM PST by SandRat

FORT HUACHUCA — A 69th Signal Company soldier who was shot and injured in Tucson early Saturday morning has been identified as Spc. Justin R. Harris.

Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command (Army) spokesman Gordon Van Vleet said Harris, who is in his 20s, is in serious condition at a Tucson hospital.

Killed in the drive-by shooting was 25-year-old Spc. Robert A. Glenn, who also was a member of the 69th Signal Company.

Glenn was identified late Saturday night by Tucson Police Sgt. Mark Robinson. His death was reported in the Sunday Herald/Review.

There reportedly was a verbal altercation around 2 a.m. Saturday, just before Club Envy on Speedway Boulevard was closing.

Robinson said the altercation did not become physical and Glenn, Harris and another unidentified soldier left the club and headed west on Speedway.

Currently, Tucson police are looking for a suspect identified as Jurel Dionne Roberson, 21. He is described as a black man 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing 150 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes, and a thin mustache and goatee.

Robinson said the suspect left the club driving a light colored 1998 Nissan Ultima with Arizona license plate 697-WPB. The car did not belong to Roberson and had not been stolen.

The club is located in the 5800 east block of Speedway and the shooting occurred about a mile west of the facility in the 4400 east block of Speedway, the police officer said.

After catching up to the vehicle in which the soldiers were in, Roberson reportedly shot at them, hitting Glenn who was a front seat passenger and Harris who was driving.

The driver was able to pull the vehicle off the street by going into a parking area, the police sergeant said.

The initial call to the police came at 2:12 a.m., and in a short time the police and emergency medical services personnel arrived on scene, said Robinson, who was one of the first responders.

Glenn was declared dead at the scene at 2:19 a.m.

Harris was taken to a Tucson hospital with life-threatening injuries and underwent surgery.

Roberson is being sought by police, and Robinson said he faces first degree murder and drive-by shooting charges.

The other unidentified and uninjured soldier, also of the 69th, was in the back seat of the car.

Van Vleet said members of the company, which is part of the 11th Signal Brigade, are supposed to depart for Iraq soon, but it is unknown if the three soldiers were to deploy.

Glenn and Harris are cable and wire installers with the 69th.

The Tucson Police Department is continuing its investigation into the incident.

Herald/Review senior reporter Bill Hess can be reached at 515-4615

or at

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; US: Arizona
KEYWORDS: 2ndsoldier; huachuca; identified; shooting
PERP Still at Large!
1 posted on 11/05/2007 3:49:14 PM PST by SandRat
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To: All
Go here to see the PERPs earlier booking photo
2 posted on 11/05/2007 3:57:53 PM PST by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: SandRat

THX for the update!

3 posted on 11/05/2007 11:32:47 PM PST by ASOC
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To: SandRat

Lesson number one- stay out of the “hip hop” clubs.

4 posted on 11/06/2007 6:50:10 AM PST by Rocketwolf68 (Bring back the crusades)
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