Hunter isn’t too “stone club”. He is straightforward and direct and that’s what America needs and deserves. I will leave the practicing of Taquiya to the islamo-fascists. When Reagan made his “evil empire” speech, those who opposed him used the same arguments with which you seem to be adhering. Reagan needed to be more finessed, less direct, and not be such a “stone clubber” to borrow your terminology.
Russia was an evil empire, abortion is an inherent evil, no nuance or finesse required. People admire the courage of conviction and people need to hear the “inherently evil” speech not be served some posturing, leveraging, mincing, “get me elected” political dance. The people, the children, the next generation of voters are listening; Which message do you want them to hear?
They have heard the message over and over again about abortion being evil. They have been preached to again and again.
Where are we 30 years later?
Nowhere, save a minor victory or two.
Wake up, for the sake of all the innocents who will die due to stubborn refusal to seek a different way in the war against abortion.