“The boomers gave us self indulgence, me first, multicultural, anti American, self loathing. All in one nasty package.”
Actually it was only a subset of the “Boomers” that gave “us” this package. Of course the all too human trait of blaming someone else allows for painting with a broad brush and doesn’t require any of that pesky and painful brain-work that seems to challenge the IPOD generations so.
There I go painting with a broad brush again.
“There I go painting with a broad brush again.”
Yeah, and it looks like you aren’t even painting what you intend to paint.
It seems you want to chaistize me for generalizing, and cast me in the iPOD generation?
Ok, first off, I’m at the end of the boomer generation. (Swing and a miss).
Secondly, I said something to the effect that I was a boomer who didn’t drink the kool-aid. An acknowledgement that not all boomers are the same. For those who can reason, that means that I’m making a generalization, one that I realize has many exceptions, (me being one of them).
(Swing and a miss... strike two).
You have one to work with.