Unthinking lemmings, perhaps.
Read Roe. Blackmun conceded that the decision falls apart if the unborn are protected by the Fourteenth--that is, if they are actually persons that require equal protection under the law.
The only opposition to abortion, in logic and law, is that the child has the right to life. If the child has no right to life, it is a valueless thing we should not concern ourselves with, and we should not interfere with the mother's choice in so personal a matter.
But if the unborn child does have the right to life, no state could sanction its killing any more than the murder of any other human being.
You said, in essence, that Blackmun's postulated scenario was the only "legitimate basis" for overturning Roe. That's just wrong. There is PLENTY wrong with Roe quite aside from this issue, and I will tell you this; if Roe is ever overturned it surely won't be on these 14th Amendment grounds.