To: muawiyah
I’ve read a few of your posts, and you’re off quite a bit. The casualty rate for the German submariners was 75%, not 90%, German sub captains were not ordered to commit suicide by sinking their boats at the end of the war, and german subs did not commit wanton atrocities against survivors like the Japanese did. You are regurgitating British propaganda from WW1. Ironic, since the Brits often sailed away and left German survivors to drown. (Bismarck, etc.)
To: ozzymandus
“german subs did not commit wanton atrocities against survivors like the Japanese did”
They were ordered to. Many officers refused.
278 posted on
11/04/2007 2:57:38 PM PST by
(There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men. Edmund Burke)
To: ozzymandus
There were folks in the submarine service who provided land based support specifically for the field operations people. I suppose you can count them and get the survival rate up to 25%. If you don't it's 10% (at least according to several sources I've read over the years).
One of the most peculiar things about that organization is that there are no commemorative plaques, signs or memorials in Europe recognizing their work in the war. However, all along the United States East Coast there are memorial plaques all over the place noting that ships were sunk. German friend of mine (a mere 15 year old inducted into the Army in the last days) said he would always take his German visitors to New Jersey to drive down the coast to look at the only memorialization of the WWII German military that exists in the world. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson