I thought I was the only one who'd heard him say similar things until I came across your comment. Sometimes listening to Savage from one day to the next is truly like listening to two different people.
islam is not a religion, it's a form of government. We already have a form of government, a republic.
The Jerry Brown donation is a case in point. Then it was good, now it's not good. Thompson's good today, tomorrow he'll get torched.
He is not an "independent" as has been suggested, the man's bipolar. he's a lunatic.
That's not to say, in this instance that I don't agree with him. The problem is that tomorrow, he'll get another wind up his skirt, and Islam will once again, according to Sybil Weiner, be one of the great religions of the world.
It's wise not to pay too much attention to The Weiner, for as the wind changes, so does he. Consistency is not his strong suit.