I’ve actually been around on FR a lot longer than you have (under a different name), and am friends with the founders. We did pro-troop rallies all across America together.
No they didn’t ban me from powerline.
The site is not pro-Islam etc. Rather it does something that most conservatives who give conservatives a bad name don’t do: promote an honest view of radical Islam without the usual belligerence.
Why don’t you acknowledge the usefulness of the cause - promoting awareness of widespread radicalism in Middle Eastern countries - and quit attacking a fellow conservative. Not everyone is going to tote a “kill all muslims” spiel. And that’s ok.
The links on the site you posted, 'In their own words' Is that the,/i> Khaled Saffuri?
Saffuri who helps run the American Muslim Society? Didn't Saffuri have ties with Sami Al Arian? If it is the same Saffuri, he has ties to radical islam, doesn't he?
If this is a different Khaled Saffuri please let me know.