I think church property could be readily seized in this situation. I’ve seen a case or two...where a church had to cough up property when they didn’t have the cash. Taking away a guy’s church....doesn’t hurt much because you can just move down to some aluminum building...but it makes the lesser-hardcore members ask why this occurred.
Not sure they actually have a building. But he has a house. And his members, who consist maybe totally of family, have houses too. Several of his children are estranged and have quite a bit to say about Dad and his practices. For what it’s worth, here’s a pretty comprehensive wiki article on him - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_phelps.
And here’s a Fox News article from this morning saying that the jury came back and gave Mr. Snyder more in the afternoon, for a total of 11 million against this guy - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,307058,00.html.
Hopefully every bit of personal property these people own will be seized.