If they’re sitting on it, you know it HAS to be a RAT.
The hints given are that it’s a leading candidate, it’s not Edwards, we could already see the pulling back of the candidate and sense of impending doom in the press coverage of him/her, and it’s only the specifics of this rumor that are new to the candidate.
“Leading” but not Edwards narrows it down to Clinton, Obama, Giuliani, Romney and Thompson. Seeing signs of impending doom in campaigning and coverage I think rules out Clinton, Giuliani and Romney.
That leaves Obama and Thompson, both of whom have shown some sort of pulling back of asssertiveness, poll-standings, and media predictions. Of those two Thompson is the one I’m aware of as having old rumors floated (and recently). He’s also the one who has been in the free and easy Hollywood mix while his wife’s been home pregnant and/or with infants. (Hollywood is also where the LATimes would be most likely to get wind of it.)
Fred’s actually been my candidate, I hope it’s not him. The only other possibility I see is McCain, whom I eliminated from the ‘leading’ category up top. Still I am worried for Fred.