That reminds me....(the ‘ladies’ thing)...
I’ve been getting some posts here that are a little odd. I’ve been referred to as ‘sir’ and been told that I’m just trying to be ‘macho’.
Does CottonBall sound like a macho man’s screen name? LOL!
Just wondering, since y’all also have rather feminine sounding screennames - if you get the same weird responses.
I noticed (somewhere, can’t remember right now) some strange posts to you... UGH
I’m often thought to be a guy...but I can’t imagine someone would think that a guy would name himself “cottonball.” Good grief.
Yeah, the bots and open border idyots, when they get po’d with BQ, become condescending with her and call her juvenile names, such as “queenie” etc. All that does is prove the point that they can’t think beyond elementary school...and that’s even insulting to many students in that age group who have the maturity and ability to articulate their thoughts.