To the contrary, CO; they are VERY good at self-perpetuation -- and that is their be-all / end-all purpose in the hierarchy. How many Prison Wardens have rehabilitated enough inmates to close down just one prison? How many Welfare Offices have closed due to lack of 'clients'? How many lawyers took down their shingle because the laws they were counselor to were rescinded by the Congress?
They are inept; lay all the bureaucrats end-to-end, and you still won't reach a decision.
They are expensive; they actively recruit clients to overwork, then bitterly complain that they have not enough funds or workers for their workload.
Inept is not a term that can be used with those parasites of humanity.
Sorry to hear of the fires out there; spent three weeks at Doubletree while in training out there -- great course in a beautiful area. Hope and pray they corral it soon, with no loss of life and recoverable damage. As you wisely note, either Man will take care of Nature, or Nature will take care of Man. If the latter -- He won't like 'Mother Nature'!
Be well FRiend.
Only justified by failure. If they succeeded, they'd be out of a job.