So, the left-wing socialist-types appear to be losing everywhere but Nicaragua, Venezuela, Argentina...and here.
The Kaczynskis aren't left-wing socialist types. They're super-conservative nationalists. The two leading Polish parties are both conservative, but one (Kaczynski's PiS )is more nationalist while the other (PO) is more focussed on free trade and international markets.
The third largest party in Poland, the Samoobrona RP, is left-leaning on economic issues, but staunchly conservative on social issues.
Truly liberal / left wing parties get somewhere around 15% of the vote in Poland, which makes them politically irrelevant.
These guys were not socialists. In Europe Nationalist/Religious parties and Libertarian/Free Market parties are totally separate. The US type of conservative/free market parties tend not to exist there. I am not sure what happened to what was left of the old Communists. In Western Europe there usually are three party groupings: Social Democrats (socialists); Christian Democrats (conservatives); and Liberal Democrats (free marketeers). Interestingly France seems to be moving towards US style party divisions.