This bug can’t be killed by most antibiotics - I doubt regular cleaning supplies will do much good. People need to educate themselves and learn and practice preventive medicine
I was wondering the same thing about the cleaning. Unless they used steam which wouldn’t result in anti-biotic resistant anything, it seems that the cleaner the environment, the worse the situation is going to become, since it was that that encouraged the growth of the staph in hospitals in the first place.
MRSA is only a threat because it requires the use of special antibiotics, usually administrated thru a vein..... probably carry it on your skin and don't even know it....
West Nile virus, flu, even ecoli infection are all diseases that most likely we all can have and not get especially sick.....
I don't know about this young man who just died, but generally if your immune system is not up to par, you are making an excellant host for disease...
I wonder if bleach will kill it? It will kill most things.