Gotta take care of the purple bankclimber, yanno.
Hey if they were delicious and nutritious I might take heed.
There’s more to this than the purple backclimber- although Boortz keeps harping on the backclimber. Lake Lanier is not the only resevoir along the system. There is also Lake Seminole. The system also provides drinking water, agricultural irrigation and electricity to people in Alabama, South Georgia and Florida.
Ultimately it comes down to poor planning, which is the Georgia way. Everyone saw this problem coming a mile away and yet what have city and state officials done to prepare? Florida cities have been installing reclaimed systems for irrigation, and have already eliminated their combined sewer systems.
Atlanta was about as prepared for this predicatble crisis as New Orleans was for Katrina. Like Nagin and Blanco, the Georgia people are blaming everyone else.